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Juseppe Elcacio

Juseppe Elcacio

Company Name
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Company Phone Number
+1 545454787879787
Number of employees
About the company
Let me introduce myself. My name is Ann. I am twenty. I am a student. I study at the university. I am a prospective economist. I like this profession, that’s why I study with pleasure. My parents are not economists, but they support me in my choice. We are a friendly family and try to understand and support each other in any situation. Understanding and support is what I need in friendship as well. Some of my friends study at the same university.
Sometimes we go to the disco, sometimes organize a picnic in the open air, play sports or watch a nice film. One of my hobbies is cooking. So when my friends come to my house, I bake their favourite apple pie. I also like reading. One of my favourite authors is Chekhov. I like his books, because I can analyze the characters, their way of life and find answers to my questions. My friends also like reading.
Company Bio
Let me introduce myself — позвольте представиться a prospective economist — будущий экономист to support — поддерживать to gather together — собираться вместе to have some fun — развлекаться to analyze — анализировать
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