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Elastic Logistics: The Future of the Supply Chain
Nikole . Edweena

Elastic Logistics: The Future of the Supply Chain

Elastic logistics refers to a model of conducting business that is flexible and agile enough to upscale or downscale according to the demands of the market. This allows supply chain operations to expand or shrink in almost real-time, based on predicted happenings in the market.

Elastic logistics uses automation processes in picking and packing, forcing warehousing and logistics further towards supply-led decision-making. This endless expansion and contraction of warehouse operations based on supply allows for more reliable financial control. Elastic logistics allows companies to operate supply chains more efficiently in the face of fluctuations, and provides for scaleable upscaling and downscaling depending on seasonal activity and other changes. The interplay between supply and demand has tipped largely in favor of demand. In the article we will answer the following questions: What is elastic logistics? How to implement elastic logistics? What are the benefits of elastic logistics? How is elastic logistics helpful to logistics companies?

Nov 23, 2022

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