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Carrier and Merchant Haulage

Medical Equipment
From Indonesia
To Australia
488 views / 0 experts
Raymond Y.
Mar 22, 2021

What is the difference between Carrier Haulage and Merchant Haulage?

1 answer

David W.
Mar 22, 2021

Carrier haulage and Merchant haulage both are related to carriage of a container from Point A to Point B. Carrier haulage movement of the container from Point A to Point B under the control of the shipping line using a haulage contractor nominated by the shipping line. In this case the consignee will pay for the same at the lines rate.. This also means that when a line accepts a Carrier Haulage move, they should also accept any claims or liabilities or damages that could arise during such a move, unless it can be proved that it was caused by improper packing of the cargo. Merchant Haulage : Movement of the container from Point A to Point B directly by the consignee using his nominated haulage contractor. In this case the consignee has the choice to negotiate his own rates for the same.
In this case, the line does not bear any liability for the move and if there are any damages, they can hold the merchant liable for such damages.

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