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Rayyan Zainal

Rayyan Zainal

From Germany
To South Africa
Mar 25
Mar 25, 2021

SCAC stands for Standard Carrier Alpha Code. The National Motor Freight Traffic Association publishes a list of codes that correspond to different inland carriers, and these codes may be used on export paperwork.

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Global compliance

What is global trade compliance / what is customs and trade compliance?
From Bangladesh
To India
Jul 10
Jul 10, 2020

Trade compliance is the process of ensuring adherence to all the laws, rules, regulations and procedures governing all trade between two or more countries. As these system of obligations is determined per country (or economic region), compliance entails dealing with requirements of multiple countries. Compliance covers, among others, the following aspects: 1. Fiscal: classification of cargo, valuation, payment of duties and taxes; 2. Health, safety: measures to protect measures to protect humans, animals, and plants from diseases, pests, or contaminants; safely packing hazardous materials to avoid accidents during transport; measures to prevent dangerous products (posing risks to public safety) from entering the country, such as toys, fireworks and medicines that do not adhere with safety regulations; 3. Security, counter terrorism: measures to prevent the smuggling of weapons, the financing of terrorism or organized crime; 4. Strategic goods: measures to prevent enforce political decisions that strategic goods (e.g. weapons) should not be obtained by specific regimes, organizations or people; 5. Cultural goods: measures to protect cultural goods, i.e. goods that are deemed to belong to a country’s cultural heritage because of their great artistic, historical or archaeological value; 6. Counterfeit goods: measures to prevent the trade in counterfeit goods; 7. Environment: risks associated with the transport of waste substances.

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Important Entrepot Hubs

What are the most important entrepot hubs in the world?
From India
To Russia
Jun 26
Jun 29, 2020
Dear Anna, most important entrepot ports that I know of include Amsterdam, Venice, Hong Kong, Macao, and Dubai. I hope this is of help for you!
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International Trade Theories

What Is The Theory Of International Trade?
From United States of America
To Canada
May 28
May 29, 2020
Hi Jacob. International trade theories are simply different theories to explain international trade. Trade is the concept of exchanging goods and services between two people or entities. International trade is then the concept of this exchange between people or entities in two different countries.
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