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Amber Stellingwerf

Amber Stellingwerf


ETL meaning

What is the role of Extract, Transform, Load?
From Finland
To Ghana
Oct 02
Amber S.
Oct 02, 2020

The process of ETL plays a key role in data integration strategies. ETL allows businesses to gather data from multiple sources and consolidate it into a single, centralized location. ETL also makes it possible for different types of data to work together. A typical ETL process collects and refines different types of data, then delivers the data to a data warehouse. ETL also makes it possible to migrate data between a variety of sources, destinations, and analysis tools. As a result, the ETL process plays a critical role in producing business intelligence and executing broader data management strategies.

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Export finance

What role does export finance play in the market?
From India
To Georgia
Sep 25
Amber S.
Sep 25, 2020

Export finance, which is used to cover the time between an export order being placed and payment being made, is a means of facilitating international trade. Financing can play a role, for instance, when exporters may need to protect against the higher risk of payment default by an unknown buyer situated in a foreign legal system; because export orders often require more working capital, relative to sales, than domestic orders and exporters may wait an average of three to five months between shipment and payment; or buyers require funds from a financial institution to purchase goods and services.

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From China
To Japan
Aug 20
Amber S.
Aug 20, 2020

There are 4 common types of manufacturing cost:

  • Direct Labor Costs Paying wages to employees will be one of your major manufacturing expenses. You will need to constantly monitor this cost to make sure you are getting enough production for the money you are putting into labor.
  • Materials Costs The cost of raw materials used in the manufacturing process is one of the most common manufacturing expenses companies measure. You should always strive to deal with vendors to get the lowest possible prices on raw materials, and you should initiate quality control methods to avoid wasting raw materials.
  • Indirect Overhead Your manufacturing facility incurs expenses whether you are manufacturing or not. These costs include utilities, rent or mortgage payments, depreciation on equipment and security.
  • Incidental Expenses In addition to the three most common manufacturing costs, you have expenses for supplies such as tools, tape, lubricants and safety gear.
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From Colombia
To Iran
Aug 07
Amber S.
Aug 07, 2020

Temporary import shipments are tax- and duty-free importation of goods that are meant to stay within a certain country for a limited period of time.

These apply to goods that

  • are exhibited at tradeshows or fairs
  • used for testing purposes
  • belong to a tourist or temporary resident
  • used for exploration, production, manufacture, repair, or modifications
  • are not consumable
  • are re-exported within a fixed period of time (usually 12 months)

As a general rule of thumb, the imported goods cannot be hired, loaned, or disposed of in any way while they are in the importing country.

There are different ways to manage your temporary import shipments, such as Carnets, securities, and duty drawbacks.

Note that rules and regulations may vary from country to country. When in doubt, speak to your freight forwarder or customs broker.

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Commercial invoice

Why are the commercial invoice and packing list important?
From China
To France
Jul 30
Amber S.
Jul 30, 2020

They’re required by customs. Breaking it down, however, these two items are important for different reasons: Commercial invoice: Like other types of invoices, the commercial invoice describes the transaction happening between the exporter (your supplier) and importer (you). It lists your goods and the price you paid your supplier. Details on the commercial invoice will be used to determine the duties and taxes applicable to your shipment. Packing list: At first glance, the packing list may look similar to the commercial invoice. However, where the commercial invoice focuses on item prices, the packing list focuses on the physical count and breakdown of the related shipment. For example, a packing list would include the size, weight, and count of individual boxes/cartons matching a corresponding commercial invoice. Therefore, the packing list can be used in insurance claims to identify losses or by Customs when inspecting cargo or by your warehouse to reconcile what was expected vs. what was actually received.

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