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David William

David William


Authorizations for a warehouse

Each Wholesaler needs an authorization issued by the competent authority of the Member State where the wholesaler is located. Are there any authorizations needed for a warehouse/storage facility?
From Indonesia
To Malaysia
May 12
David W.
May 12, 2021

Yes, if a product is stored in a storage facility this facility should be included in either the manufacturers' (Manufacturing License) or the wholesaler’s license. In the EU, you cannot store products in an unlicensed facility (except at the distribution hub for short durations, e.g. 24 hrs)

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Incoterms for domestic transactions

Are the Incoterms rules relevant to domestic transactions?
From Spain
To Ukraine
Apr 27
David W.
Apr 27, 2021

Use of the rules is not limited to cross-border trading.

The Incoterms rules are also applicable to transactions where the buyer and seller are in the same country, or both within a customs union such as the European Union.

All the provisions of the rules are written with this in mind, e.g. if there are issues with import duty or taxes, they need only be considered where appropriate.

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From Afghanistan
To Algeria
Apr 16
David W.
Apr 16, 2021

If the EU has a trade agreement with the country you want to import from, tariffs on your product may be reduced or even eliminated.

These are called preferential tariff rates. The preferential tariff rate is conditional on your product being in line with rules of origin
Quotas may apply, either based on the trade agreement or based on the EU policy for agricultural products a specific type of products

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Export out of the EU

If I export out of the EU goods imported in the UK from non-EU and EU countries, how does this impact on the export documentation to be compliant on all aspects? 
From Australia
To Argentina
Mar 31
David W.
Mar 31, 2021

This will depend largely on what documentation you have in mind. With regard to general documentation, there should be no significant changes; the main area which will be affected is in declarations of origin, whether on the commercial invoice, or other documentation. The actual origin of the goods must be declared, unless you have carried out any significant processing of the goods in the UK or elsewhere in the EU which would cause the goods to be considered as being UK or EU origin. This will apply around certificates of origin, and movement certificates which are used to obtain preferential rates of duty in countries which have Free Trade Agreements with the EU. Your local Chamber of Commerce can advise further on this issue.

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Carrier and Merchant Haulage

What is the difference between Carrier Haulage and Merchant Haulage?
From Indonesia
To Australia
Mar 22
David W.
Mar 22, 2021

Carrier haulage and Merchant haulage both are related to carriage of a container from Point A to Point B. Carrier haulage movement of the container from Point A to Point B under the control of the shipping line using a haulage contractor nominated by the shipping line. In this case the consignee will pay for the same at the lines rate.. This also means that when a line accepts a Carrier Haulage move, they should also accept any claims or liabilities or damages that could arise during such a move, unless it can be proved that it was caused by improper packing of the cargo. Merchant Haulage : Movement of the container from Point A to Point B directly by the consignee using his nominated haulage contractor. In this case the consignee has the choice to negotiate his own rates for the same.
In this case, the line does not bear any liability for the move and if there are any damages, they can hold the merchant liable for such damages.

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